Finding Scholarship Opportunities

How Do I Find Out About Available Scholarships

Your child's high school guidance counselor should have an abundance of information on local scholarships. From there you can move on to the college financial aid office. Many corporations offer college tuition aid or reimbursement to their employees and some offer scholarships to their employees' children. In addition, many religious organizations offer scholarships as well.

Review college financial aid books at your library. Some of them have extensive listings of sources that you can't find elsewhere. Contact both the U.S. Department of Education and your state department of education.

Many books have been written on the application and qualification process which can help guide you through the process. One such book is the As and Bs of Academic Scholarships (Octamaron press; $7) which lists over 100,000 no-need, or merit-based, awards at 1,200 schools.

Finally, search the Internet. There are many Web sites that have college savings calculators and information on financial aid. Start with the Web site of the college or university you want to attend, as well as local and national banks.

Helpful Tips

You can significantly reduce the cost of your college experience using some of these helpful tips:

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